Retained Services

From an initial set-up fee and a monthly subscription payment you can gain access to health and safety advice utilising Serene Safety as your official competent person.
We offer a 5 tier structure, tailored to your businesses needs.

Tier 1
- 1-2-1 Health and Safety advice from your Retained Competent Person (07:00 – 18:00)
- Monday – Friday.
E-mail support (07:00 – 18:00) Monday – Friday - Serene Safety Competent Person Certificate.
Tier 2
All of the benefits of Tier 1, plus:
- Initial site visit: foundation review (1 full day plus report).
- Health and Safety Policy plus annual review.
- RIDDOR Accident reporting & Investigation guidance.
- Review of Contractor RAMS
- Annual audit self-assessment
Additional out of scope service receive a 5% discount

Tier 3
All of Tier 2 plus:
- RIDDOR Incident reporting Support
- Preparation of H&S management poster
- Health and Safety Policy including existing
- Arrangements and Procedures document.
- Risk assessment templates and advice
- CHAS, Safe-contractor or similar PQQ’s
- Annual audit
Additional out of scope services receive a 10% discount
Tier 4
All the benefits of Tier 3 plus:
- Basic Risk Assessments and annual review
- Basic COSHH Risk Assessments and annual advice
- Safe Systems of Work and annual advice
- Annual Sub-contractor competency vetting
Additional out of scope services receives an 15% discount

Tier 5

All of Tier 4 plus:
- Annual review & report
- Liaison with enforcing authorities
- Liaison with corporate insurers to explain improvements
- Staff H&S booklets (code of conduct / induction)
Additional out of scope services receives an 18% discount
Do you require a more bespoke solution?

Mix and Match
Choose from our range of services across our packages and we can create a bespoke solution for you.
If your business has more than five people within it you have a legal obligation to make sure you have formal arrangements in place.
If you have less that 5 people in your business you still have legal obligations however the need to have them formalised isn’t required.
That doesn’t mean you can simply ignore this, you just don’t necessarily need to have them written down – We can help you with a simple ‘crib sheet’ so you can get this nailed.
Take a copy with you
Have a package in mind?
Get in touch with us today and lets talk about your business
Click the link to send a message on WhatsApp or fill out the enquiry form