How Can an ISO Certification with Serene Safety Enhance Your Business?

An ISO certification for your Quality Management System (QMS), Safety Management System (SMS) or Environmental Management System (EMS) may have a significant impact on your ability to be adopted as a supplier by having your management systems subjected to an auditing process– especially if you are bidding for work in the Public Sector.

An ISO standard can not only bench mark how effectively you run your business, but also enable you to optimise performance and bid for work or contracts you might otherwise not be eligible to bid for.

Businesses that adopt an ISO Accreditation are able to demonstrate a level of management system maturity that their competitors may not be able to replicate - This can, potential, set you apart from your competition - This is where Serene Safety can help prepare you for ISO accreditation.
Serene Safety Audit Process
- We agree the scope of your accreditation with you and your business.
- We can prepare your business using a gap analysis to help you identify where improvements may be required.
- We can support and prepare your business to implement your management system structure.
- We source an appropriate accreditation body based on your needs
- Once we are satisfied that your system has been implemented, we will arrange your accreditation audit
- Congratulations on achieving your accreditation.
- We are on hand to continue your internal and external audit support.
How Does It Work?
From the outside looking in, auditing can look like a dark art, complicated, overburdensome – Or for some people – plain boring.
We have been in your shoes before and with that experience we know that businesses want what is right for them.
Our fee structure is kept simple and we have options to suit your business – We also offer staged or annualised subscriptions once the initial preparatory work has been completed – You will receive a full proposal outlining the agreed service we will provide.
Our auditing service starts with a survey of where you are currently and a gap analysis to identify any potential shortcomings. We listen to what you want to achieve and over what timescale – We can work with most projects and the focus remains on what is good for your business – For externally accredited standards we also use this time to nail exactly what the accreditation scope will be.
Once this is established we support your business through the implementation stage by actioning the items found from our gap analysis. We can use this time to complete a cycle of internal audits to help prepare you for the experience if you haven’t been audited before. We find this helps put people at ease as they know what to expect.
Depending on where you are on the journey we will source a suitable accreditation body to accredit your business in your chosen area.
With your management system implemented, following a round of internal audits and once our our skilled auditors are satisfied we will arrange for a mutually convenient audit date with your chosen accreditation body. We will attend on the day or even days of the audit and coach you through it. Once the audit has concluded there will be a closing meeting where the conclusions of the audit will be discussed. Any key findings or shortcomings will be classified into ‘Opportunities for Improvement’ or ‘Non-Conformances’ – Non-Conformances can be either ‘Minor’ or ‘Major’ – Whilst unlikely it can mean that these findings may have to be rectified and evidenced prior to accreditation – Providing we follow the plan established from the outset, these should not be a problem for us.
Success! Your business has attained its accreditation and all the benefits that brings to your organisation. Now all we need to do is maintain it – We can be as hands on or hands off as you require and have ongoing support packages that can work for you – We are the consultancy that are here when you need us.